OUP, Oxford Dictionary of English, offensive, derogatory, definition of woman, petition, open letter, change needed An institution like the Oxford University Press   should not portray women this way. ‘Bitch, besom, piece, bit, mare, baggage, wench, petticoat, frail, bird, bint, biddy, filly’ – these are the words which the Oxford’s English Dictionary online tells us mean the same as ‘woman’. And it gives the following examples as meanings: ‘Ms September will embody the professional, intelligent yet sexy career woman’; Leggi tutto
Zero Discrimination Day, 1 March, UNAIDS brohucre, action, women's rights, stigma, education, health, equal pay“We need to transform our societies so that no one is second class.”This year on Zero Discrimination Day, which is commemorated every year on 1 March, UNAIDS called for an end to discrimination against women and girls and for them – us – to have for equal rights, opportunities and
Young Women's Trust, report, unpaid work, young women, survey, cooking, cleaning, childcare, financial services sector,Young women’s unpaid work worth £140 billion to the UK economy.Analysis of recent data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) by the Young Women’s Trust has found the unpaid work of young women aged 18-30, such as cooking, cleaning and taking care of children, contributes at least £140
Citizens Advice, research, domestic abuse, perpetrators, intercepted post, BEIS, Addess and Collect, addresses revealed, ICOPeople in unsafe or untraditional living situations need safe access to their post.Citizens Adviceresearch has found that half of survivors of domestic abuse have their post intercepted by the perpetrator and they face significant harm because their post is not secure and their address is
childcare survey, childcare costs, Coram Family and ChildcareNot only the cost: many parents struggle to find any childcare at all.The first National Women’s Liberation Conference, which took place at Ruskin College, Oxford, in February 1970 was conceived by Sally Alexander and fellow historian Sheila Rowbotham as an event to look back at women’s
Human Rights Council, Geneva, February 2020, Michelle Bachelet, commemorating Beijing, speech, women's rights, threats to women's rights Women’s rights “cannot be an optional policy subject to the changing winds of politics”. The United Nations Human Rights Council holds no fewer than three regular sessions a year. Its 43rd Regular Session, the first of the three this year, runs from 24 February 2020 until 20 March 2020. Leggi tutto
sexual harassment, workplace, project, Rosa, #MeToo Time's Up, project, Fawcett Society, WRDA, Close the Gap, Chwarae Teg, “If we are to end sexual harassment, we need widespread cultural change.”Four women’s organisations, one each from England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, have come together to collaborate on a project which aims to tackle sexual harassment in the workplace.Funded by Rosa, the UK fund
RCN, Royal College of Nursing, Oxford Brookes University, study, nursing, university graduates, pay, old-fashioned view, women caring, , ‘Old-fashioned’ perceptions persist of nursing as a job carried out by women for whom caring is ‘natural’. Nine out of 10 nurses in the UK are women. Their weekly pay is on average £15.42 per hour, which is less than a third of that of doctors and dentists. Leggi tutto
UNFPA, awareness campaign, Valentine's Day, Say IDONT, end child marriage, 7 little-known facts, child marriage, Globally, complications from pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death among adolescent girls.Valentine’s Day is celebrated as a time of romance. Yet for millions, fairy tales of love and marriage are just that – fiction. Hundreds of millions of women and girls alive today were
W Legal, religious divorce, get, court case, landmark case, private prosecution, Controlling or Coercive Behaviour, Orthodox Jew, “Denying a woman her get is a powerplay and, as such, is a form of abuse.”In what has become a landmark case involving a private prosecution, a man was set to appear for trial before a judge and jury at a London  Crown Court for the offence of ‘Controlling and Coercive Behaviour’ based on his
coercive control, contraception, reproductive control, review, available evidence, BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, BMJ, Women in long-term relationships may become inured to significant levels of reproductive control.As many as one in four women attending sexual and reproductive healthcare services have said they are not allowed to take control of their own reproductive lives, a review of the available evidence
Internet Watch Foundation, child sexual abuse, online imagery, open internet, We’ve got to get a grip on the child sexual abuse content epidemic on our open internet.A record number of reports of online child sexual abuse have been processed by the UK’s Internet Watch Foundation amid “shock” that the availability of illegal content online could still be increasing on the
conception, abortion, #stateofchildhealth, RCPCH, report, health inequality, The UK still falls behind comparable high income countries in Europe and beyond.The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) published its State of Child Health 2020 report this week.This is the largest ever compilation of data on the health of babies, children and young people
Health Visiting in England, Institute of Health Visiting, survey, health visitors, budget cuts, The government’s pledge to give every child the best start in life left in tatters after cuts.Many health visitors in England are no longer able to protect vulnerable families after devastating cuts to public health budgets.Public health budget cuts which have left health visiting services
Endometriosis UK, AllParty Parliamentary Group on Endometriosis, inquiry, NICE guidelines regarding minimum care ‘have yet to be implemented’.Everyone with endometriosis is being urged to respond to a call for evidence after MPs have launched an inquiry into endometriosis.The inquiry will see patients and healthcare practitioners share their first-hand experiences
Solicitor General, Michael Ellis QC MP, coercive and controlling behaviour, Court of Appeal, lentient sentence, prison sentence, Joshua Dalgarno, violence, pregnant partnerSolicitor General intervened “to send a message that cases of domestic abuse are treated seriously.”A man who used abusive and violent behaviour to control his partner has had his sentence increased following intervention by the Solicitor General, the Rt Hon Michael Ellis QC MP, who presented
asylum-seeking women, fearful, at risk, destitute, Home Office, rape, torture, Women for Refugee Women, report, #SistersNotStrangers, IWD2020Immediate steps should be taken to ensure the safety of women experiencing – or at risk of – violence.Women for Refugee Women, together with their regional partners Women Asylum Seekers Together Manchester, Coventry Asylum and Refugee Action Group and Women with Hope Birmingham, have launched
Court of Appeal, Attorney General, religious marriage, abusive husbands, Southall Black Sisters, One Law for All, Akhter v Khan, Decision leaves minority women exposed to deception by abusive husbands.In what can only be described as a sad and distressing judgement, the Court of Appeal has ruled that women who are unable to register their marriage in accordance with the law are not entitled to financial remedies on the
Nottingham, Consent Coalition, Do you get consent, resources, consent, survey, posters, support, sexual abuse, rape, Your Journey, “No one should have to experience sexual violence or abuse.” Did you know that removing a condom during sex without getting the consent of your sexual partner is rape? Did you know that you need to get consent for sexual activity even from the person you are in a relationship with? Leggi tutto
Labour leadership campaign, Open letter, Lisa Nandy, Woman's Place UK, Ruth Serwotka, women's rights, not a hate groupWhat are your commitments to women and to girls?Dear Lisa Nandy,I write on behalf of the feminist campaigning organisation Woman’s Place UK (WPUK). Information about us can be found here.I am a co-founder of WPUK, with Kiri Tunks and Judith Green. We are all socialist feminists with decades
mesh consultation, help develop information, The British Society of Urogynaecology, BSUG, the British Association of Urological Surgeons, BAUS, surgical removal, mesh slings, mini slings,Help make sure the new information is suitable before it is published.The British Society of Urogynaecology (BSUG) and the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) are jointly developing information for patients and the public on the surgical removal of a retropubic mesh sling and the
UNAIDS, International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, World Cancer Day, new partnership, Cervical Cancer, HIVCervical cancer is the most common cancer among women living with HIV.UNAIDS and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have joined forces to increase action against cervical cancer and HIV.In a memorandum of understanding signed following an event at the headquarters of the IAEA in
LabourList, Borish Johnson, rant, single mothers, Spectator articles, teenage mothers, abusive boyfriends, support, Conservative manifesto, nothingWhy we should care about our PM’s rant against single mothers.By Sienna RodgersSingle mothers have a “desire to procreate independently of men” and are “producing a generation of ill-raised, ignorant, aggressive and illegitimate children”.Getting pregnant is their “natural desire”, though
Domestic Abuse Bill 2020, First Reading, EVAW Coalition, children's rights, migrants women, Istanbul ConventionFurther improvements must be made in order to address the needs of all survivors.This week saw the return of a Domestic Abuse Bill to Parliament for its First Reading. It failed to complete its legislative passage when the General Election was called late last year.A series of factsheets
TUC, British workers, official statistics, unpaid overtime, Work Your Proper Hours Day, 28 February, Brexit, Working Hours Directive, Frances O'Grady, 2 billiob hoursToo many bosses are getting away with stealing their workers’ time.UK employers claimed £35 billion of free labour last year because of workers’ doing unpaid overtime, according to new analysis of official statistics published last week by the TUC.More than 5 million people put in an average
Forgotten Victims, report, survey, British people, Roma, Sinti, victims of Holocaust, Mengeles, concentration camps, history, YouGov“I’m afraid that Europe is forgetting its past and that Auschwitz is only sleeping.”According to YouGov research carried out for Friends Families and Travellers, 55 per cent of the 2162 British adults surveyed were unaware that over 500,000 Roma and Sinti people were killed in the Holocaust by
International Womens Day 2020, I Stand WIth Her, UN campaign, #ChangeTheStory, Join the campaign: challenge harmful content you see on the web.Twenty-five years ago, the Beijing World Conference saw an extraordinary mobilisation of women’s rights defenders. Their commitment led to significant shifts and the adoption of a visionary roadmap to achieve gender
womens sexual health, study, Natsal, poor reproductive health, poor sexual health, BMC Public Health, RCOG, The UK’s women are being failed by a fragmented system.Almost half of British women experience poor sexual and reproductive health, a much higher number than men, with many also experiencing a larger range of issues, according to new research.This is one of the findings from a major new study
Brexit, domestic abuse, EU Settlement Scheme, papers, evidence, Women's Aid, We need to make sure the EU Settlement Scheme is accessible to survivors of domestic abuse.Brexit could mean that some survivors of domestic abuse in the UK may be left unable to access refuge services.Survivors of domestic abuse who have to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme could be denied
TUC, petition, ban zero hours contracts, new Employment Bill, Define ‘flexible’ and ‘choice’.At the last count around 900,000 people were on zero hours contracts.That means that hundreds of thousands of people are trapped in jobs so insecure they are unable to plan childcare or budget for groceries.Hundreds of thousands of people have jobs so insecure
JUSTICE, report, women, BAME groups, senior roles, judiciary, Update, Working Party, 2017 reportNearly three years on “there has been only modest progress towards a more diverse senior judiciary.”JUSTICE recently launched its latest working party report, ‘Increasing Judicial Diversity: An Update’.This Update builds on JUSTICE’s report from 2017, ’Increasing Judicial Diversity’, which
HeartUnions 2020, campaign, end sexual harassment at work, petition, change law, “The government must stop dragging its feet and change the law.”Seven in 10 (68 per cent) people think the #MeToo movement has allowed people to be more open about sexual harassment, according to a new TUC poll published recently.This number is highest amongst women (72 per cent) and young
Plan UK, #ListenToGirls, report, girls' lives, 2019-2020, catcalling, dick pics, sexism, sexual abuse, schoolGirls still feel disempowered and unable to realise their rights.A new decade may not mean anything new for girls’ rights in the UK, as girls feel ‘fed up and frustrated’ with empty messages of female empowerment, according to a comprehensive study of girls’ lives by charity Plan International
chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, female survivors, domestic abuse, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, University of Birmingham, Warwick, research“It is important for clinicians to bear in mind that women who have survived abuse are at a greater risk of these conditions.”Female survivors of domestic abuse are at double the risk of developing long-term illnesses that cause widespread bodily pain and extreme tiredness, according to a study