TUC, analysis, new report, sick pay threshold, part-time workers, zero-hours workers, women, scrap sick-pay threshold “The government needs to get on and protect every worker if they fall sick.” One in 10 women workers do not earn enough to qualify for statutory sick pay, according to TUCanalysis published recently. Research found that 1.4 million women employees earn less than £118 a week – the qualifying threshold for statutory sick pay. Leggi tutto
open letter, Law Commissioners, surrogacy consultation, criticism of methodolgy, mother's health, child's rights ignored, pimping, grooming, abuseNo to womb rental: the risks are profound and include death.A recent consultation on surrogacy was unacceptably and illegally biased towards the predetermined outcome of allowing the exploitation of women’s child bearing through financial coercion.We cannot allow commercial surrogacy to go
RIBA, members' letter, Boris Johnson, strip honorary fellowship, “We are aware of the concerns that have been raised,” a spokesperson said.Members of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), including a past president, have signed a letter calling for Prime Minister Boris Johnson to be stripped of his honorary fellowship, Dezeenreported
UNFPA report, trends in maternal mortality 2000-2017, preventable deaths, worldwide ratios, UNFPA Executive Director Dr Natalia KanemThe average annual rate of reduction in maternal mortality has been just 2.9 per cent.Data from 2017 show that approximately 810 women have died each day of preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth.This is a roughly 38 per cent decline in the global maternal mortality ratio
CPS, Crown Prosecution Service, report, violence against women and girls, 2018-19, Max Hill, DPP, reivew, rape charging decisions, quarterly reports, changeA frank conversation about the reasons for the fall in referrals, charges, prosecutions and convictions is needed.The most recent figures on prosecutions involving violence against women and girls (VAWG) were released by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) earlier this month.The report
Click Off, End Abuse, campaign, pornography in the UK, letter to CPS, Crown Prosecution Service, consider pornography's role, court cases, violence against women and girlsConsider the impact of pornography on all of those involved in the process of administering justice.The campaign group Click Off Pornography and End Abuse was formed to demonstrate the links between male sexual violence and pornography and aims to raise awareness about the harms of pornography
open letter, 30 independent UN experts, curb hate speech‘The rhetoric of hatred must be countered, as it has real-life consequences.’Thirty independent UN experts have joined together to publish an open letter calling on States and social media firms to take action to curb the spread of hate speech.They warn that generalising and describing entire
Council of Europe, definition, sexism, campaign, Recommendations, hashtag #stopsexism, slogan “See it. Name it. Stop it.”And launches awareness and anti-sexism action campaigns.In March 2019, the 47-state Council of Europe Committee of Ministers adopted a new Recommendation on Preventing and Combating Sexism.Not only did this text contain the first ever internationally agreed definition of sexism, but it also
mothers in prison, report, children's rights, maternity, sentencing, data collection, Harriet Harman, Joint Committee on Human Rights‘The harmful effects on a child of a mother going to prison start at sentencing and continue for years’.The Joint Committee on Human Rights has published its report on the ‘Right to family life: Children whose mothers are in prison’.An estimated 17,000 children each year are separated from
Maternity Action, Royal College of Midwives, duty of care, report, research, midwives, NHS charges, pregancy, vulnerable women, Home Office sanctionsWomen affected by NHS charges “are some of the most vulnerable people in our society”.Maternity Action has published the findings of its new research that examined the impact that the National Health Service’s charging policy was is having on midwives.The research, the first of its kind to
Close the Gap, women's work patterns, change, flexi-time, part-time, the right to request regulations, impact, report, Scotland,Enabling flexible working is a critical component in closing Scotland’s gender pay gap.The right to request flexible working was extended to all employees on 30 June 2014.The aim was to increase the quality and availability of flexible jobs in the UK.And all employees have the legal right
British Red Cross, Hestia Ashiana, research, report, recommendations, support, survivors of trafficking, National Referral MechanismSpecialist support would prevent them falling back into the hands of traffickers.Three charities have said they are concerned that victims of trafficking are being forced into homelessness, destitution and further exploitation due to the lack of support made available to them.New research
letter, Priti Patel, Home Secretary, review decision, buffer zones, nationwide, abortion clinics, harassment, women's right, health issue, Was the evidence provided to the review team even communicated in full to the Minister?In the last year, 34 abortion clinics in England and Wales have had protests outside them.We know first-hand the harassment and intimidation carried out by these so-called protests.And we were
Age UK, report, domestic abuse, elderly people, report, No Age Limit, Domestic Abuse Bill, Queen's SpeechA way must be found to collect essential data from people aged 75 and over.Age UK is calling on the government to ensure the voices of older people are heard, their rights are protected and their needs included in domestic abuse legislation that it must bring forward at the earliest
Crown Prosecution Service, CPS, four convictions, 'upskirting', illegal, new legislation, April 2019, prison sentence, community serivce, sex offenders register“The CPS takes this behaviour extremely seriously and anyone engaging in it can expect to face criminal charges.”Four men have so far been convicted under the new legislation that made upskirting illegal and came into force in England and Wales in April this year, the Crown Prosecution Service
European Women's Lobby, EWL, conference, 14-18 October, week of action, ending prostitution, Nordic Model, Equality model, decriminalise prostituted people, Brussels’ Call partnersThere is still not a single country in the world where women are completely free from male violence.We have witnessed much progress on many aspects of equality between women and men, something that is inspired by women’s resilience and their fight to push for more equality all over the
John McDonnell MP, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, anouncement, free personal care, point of use, England, next Labour governmentWelcome plans, given that women bear the brunt of the current care crisis.Labour’s Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer has announced that the next Labour government would make personal social care free at the point of use as part of the expansion of Labour’s proposed Universal Basic
EVAW Coalition, short report, Let's Talk About Sex, YouGov, survey, calling for discussion, attitudes, gatekeeing“This report shows how far we’ve got to go in changing outdated ideas about women as sexual gatekeepers.”A coalition of UK women’s groups published the results of a YouGov survey and a short report on British adults’ views on sexual practices recently.The survey revealed widely held views
Women's Aid, 2019 report, No Woman Turned Away, project, accessing a safe refuge,Every survivor should receive the right support, the first time they ask for it.The national domestic abuse charity Women’s Aid launched its No Woman Turned Away report 2019 earlier this week.Between 12 January 2018 and 11 January 2019 the No Woman Turned Away project worked with 309 women
school uniform, monopoly, pricing, transparency, Labour behind the Label, Trutex, petition, letter, Competition and Markets Authority, CMA, Gavin WIlliamson, School uniform monopolies leave parents in both a financial and an ethical bind.Trutex, the UK’s largest specialist school wear brand, produce uniforms and sportswear for thousands of schools throughout the UK and worldwide.Yet Trutex is failing to provide any information at all on where its
off on holiday, womensviewsonnews.org A few days off. Back on 4 September. In the meantime: there’s things to look at, read, sign, do, on our facebook page. And if you come across something you think needs covering, let us know: email us wvon2012[at]gmail.com. Thanks. Leggi tutto
Claire Waxman, London Victims Commissioner, rape review, MOPAC, University of West London, Reflections and Recommendations And we still have some way to go to dispel underlying myths and stereotypes. A comprehensive review of rape cases in London has revealed that only three per cent of rape allegations result in a conviction and that the accused is known to the victim in the vast majority of cases. Leggi tutto
Ministry of Defence, report, Inappropriate Behviours, bullying, sexual harassment, complaints, OmbudsmanThe challenge of inappropriate behaviour can only be addressed through a determined effort by the whole force.A series of new measures have been announced to address inappropriate behaviour in the British military.This follows a report on ‘Inappropriate Behaviours’ released by the Ministry of
Bristol University, bullying, statement of support, Raquel Rosario Sánchez, women's rights groups, discussion,disciplinary action, trans-identified student, Concerns that University of Bristol did nothing to ensure student’s safety during escalation.Statement of Support for Raquel Rosario Sánchez:We the undersigned would like to express our support for Raquel Rosario Sánchez, a feminist writer and researcher from the Dominican Republic who is
TUC report, literature review, No Deal Brexit, impact, women's rights, workers right, the economyNew report sets out the cost to working people of crashing out of the European Union.The TUC has accused the government of trying to keep the public “in the dark” about the true impact of a no-deal Brexit.A new TUC report – published at the weekend after a review of a range of literature –
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services, HMICFRS, report, Shining a light on betrayal: abuse of position for a sexual purpose.And more than 10 per cent of the police workforce did not have up-to-date vetting, says report.Police forces need to do more to ensure they are able to detect and root-out ‘abuse of position for a sexual purpose’ by officers and staff, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire &
Women's Aid, launch, LoveRespect website, support teenage girls, challenge myths, coercive control, “Having a bad boyfriend shouldn’t be an acceptable rite of teen passage.”Women’s Aid launched its #LoveRespect website earlier this month, set up to support teenage girls at risk of relationship abuse and to challenge myths surrounding the nature of coercive control.The new website, which
Fair Cop, open letter, Sussex Police, WPUK meeting, Brighton, discuss women's rights, police failure, aggressive mobFair Cop is deeply concerned by Sussex Police’s failure to act against an aggressive and intimidating mob.By Harry Miller, Executive Director, Fair Cop.I am writing to you as Executive Director of Fair Cop, a human rights organisation comprised of serving and former police officers
Ending sexual harassment, what will it take, UN Women, publication, cultural change, training issues, #MeToo Conference, IcelandNew publication a framework of standards to address the calls for fundamental change.UN Women has launched a new publication which aims to support the fight against – even end – sexual harassment.Entitled ‘What will it take? Promoting cultural change to end sexual harassment‘ it offers
Flex for All, campaign, flexitime, Day 1, all jobs, all advertisements, Fawcett Society, Young Women's Trust, TUC“Allowing people more flexibility in how and when they do their work makes them happier and more productive.”Campaigners want to change the law so that employers have to publish flexible working options in job advertisements, or justify why the job can not be done flexibly – and so that if you
briefing, End Violence Against Women and Girls Coalition, EVAW, Police and Crime Commissioners, working for women and girls. sexual violence, domestic abuse, elections, 2020Does the devolution of policing power really work for women and girls?A Briefing Paper published by the End Violence Against Women Coalition (EVAW) found that the 42 Police and Crime Commissioners’ responses to domestic violence, sexual violence and other forms of violence against women and
Jeremy Corbyn, speech, Corby, 19 August 2019, While Brexit is the framework of the crisis we face, the problems facing our country run much deeper.Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, in a speech in Corby earlier this week, said: I’m sure I don’t need to convince anyone here that as we look towards the return of parliament in
HomeworkersWorldwide, Manchester, textile and garment industry, study, low pay, exploitation, Leicester, We need to address the serious issues identified in this and other research into the UK’s textile and garment industry.A new study which looked into conditions in Manchester factories includes reports from workers that £4 a hour – less than half the minimum wage – is a standard rate of pay
Frank Fields, Maria Miller, Baroness Butler-Sloss, inquiry, human trafficking, sexual exploitation, England and Wales, robust laws, The problem is growing and needs to be addressed urgently.A cross-party panel, led by MPs Frank Field and Maria Miller and Baroness Butler-Sloss, has launched an inquiry into trafficking for sexual exploitation in England and Wales.The inquiry is a follow-up to the government’s commissioned