Ella Daish, plastic-free period products, petition, Plastic is clearly not needed in period products. Conventional period products contain up to 90 per cent plastic and are constantly being manufactured, are used for between 4-8 hours, then disposed of. They then take over 500 years to break down – meaning that if Jane Austen had used them hers would still be decomposing today… And when they are incorrectly flushed down toilets they get into rivers and oceans and end up on beaches; a report by the European Commission found that period items are the fifth most common waste washed up on beaches. Leggi tutto
TUC alliance, campaign, petition, government, make employers responsible, sexual harassment at work, #ThisIsNotWorking“It’s shocking that in 2019 so many people experience sexual harassment and assault while at work.”The TUC, women’s rights organisations and charities have launched a joint campaign calling on the government to introduce a new law to make employers responsible for protecting their staff from
INQUEST, inquest, narrative conclusion, Lisa Skidmore, probation office failures, police failures, rape, murder, arsonUntil violence against women is taken seriously by authorities the deaths will continue.The inquest into the homicide of Lisa Skidmore concluded recently with the jury returning a narrative conclusion finding multiple failures by the police and the probation services more than minimally
The Women and Equalities Committee, report, non-disclosure agreements, NDAs, harassment, discrimination, bullying‘A convenient vehicle for covering up unlawful activity with legally sanctioned secrecy’.The Women and Equalities Committee’s report on the use of non-disclosure agreements in discrimination cases, published recently, shows unequivocally that in many cases signing a non-disclosure agreement is
Women’s Budget Group, Surviving Economic Abuse, End Violence Against Women Coalition, report, social security systems, failures, protect women and girls, abuse and violence, recommendations, government action‘This report reveals that the current system sets the scene for domestic abuse’.Social security systems throughout the UK are failing survivors of violence and abuse when they need help the most, according to a new report launched recently by the Women’s Budget Group, Surviving Economic Abuse
'same roof rule', Criminal Injuries Compensation, child sexual abuse, sexual and violent offences, abolished, 13 June 2019‘It was ridiculous to expect children to take responsibility for their own abuse like that’.The so-called ‘same roof rule’, which has unfairly denied many victims and survivors access to the Criminal Injuries Compensation they deserve following child sexual abuse and other sexual and violent
Joint Committee on the Draft Domestic Abuse Bill, report, Draft Domestic Abuse Bill, recmmends amendments, domestic abuse victims, Domestic Abuse Commissioner, provisions extended to Northern Ireland,Committee makes detailed and wide-ranging recommendations that affect many aspects of the Bill.The Joint Committee on the Draft Domestic Abuse Bill has published its report on the government’s proposed Domestic Abuse Bill – and has called for it to be amended to give greater protection to
NordicModelNow!, prostituted women, male violence against women and girls, torture, presentation, United Nations, Geneva, UN Committee Against Torture, Review of the UKWhat I learnt at the UN Committee Against Torture’s Review of the UK.A report from NordicModelNow!Last month I went to Geneva to attend the 66th session of the United Nations (UN) Committee Against Torture as it reviewed the UK’s progress in implementing the UN Convention Against
Somerset House, exhibition, ‘Get Up, Stand Up Now: Generations of Black Creative Pioneers’‘Acknowledging the significant contribution of Black culture and individuals’.This summer, Somerset House is celebrating the impact of 50 years of Black creativity in Britain – and beyond – with an exhibition showcasing art, film, photography, music, literature, design and fashion.The
the SDG Gender Index, Women Deliver Conference 2019, Equal Measures 2030, Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, 14 SDGs, 51 gender equality issues, report The case for investing in the rights and advancement of girls and women is clear. A 2019 Global Report “Harnessing the power of data for gender equality: Introducing the 2019 EM2030 SDG Gender Index” has been launched at the ongoing Women Deliver conference in Vancouver, Canada. Leggi tutto
study, ‘The Right to be Believed: Migrant women facing violence against women and girls in the ‘hostile immigration’ environment in London, LAWRS, Step Up Migrant Women coalition, VAWG, King's College London,Protection of migrant women victims of violence was established by the Human Rights Act 1998.A research report produced by King’s College London, the Latin American Women’s Rights Service (LAWRS), and the Step Up Migrant Women coalition was launched earlier this month at an event in London’s
public health issue, public toilets, recommendations, report, Royal Society for Public HealthThe inadequate provision of public loos is a threat to health, mobility and equality.In recent decades increasing pressure on local authority budgets has led to the privatisation or closure of many public toilets.In a YouGov UK survey in 2017, 59 per cent of women reported that they regularly
Scottish government, new law, enhance protection, women and girls, at risk, Female Genital Mutilation, FGM, taking evidence“Female Genital Mutilation is a deeply abhorrent practice”The Scottish government published its ‘Female Genital Mutilation Bill’ last month, aimed at enhancing protection for women and girls who are at risk of Female Genital Mutilation.Female Genital Mutilation, (FGM), a procedure which
Violence and Harassment Convention 2019, Violence and Harassment Recommendation 2019, International Labour Conference, 108th session, Centenary Conference “The next step is to put these protections into practice.”A new Convention and accompanying Recommendation to combat violence and harassment in the world of work have been adopted by the International Labour Conference  (ILC), the UN’s agency dealing with world of work issues.Conventions are
Unison, survey, public workers, sexual harassment, sexual assault, NHS staff, colleagues, superiors, patients, Section 40, Equality Act 2010Staff should never have to face any kind of abuse, let alone sexually motivated insults and attacks.Nurses, care assistants, cleaners and other NHS staff have suffered lewd sexual insults, groping and even rape while at work, according to research published by UNISON, the trade union for people
Fixing fashion report, Government Response, Environmental Audit Committee, Labour Behing the Label, Modern Slavery, Leicester factoriesThe government ‘is content to tolerate practices that trash the environment and exploit workers’.The Environmental Audit Committee has published the Government Response to its report ‘Fixing Fashion Report: Clothing Consumption and Sustainability‘.The Committee’s report, published in February
open letter, Conservative leader candidates, abortion reform, OAPA, #NowForNI, London-Irish Abortion Rights Campaign, Repeal Sections 58 and 59 of the Offences Against the Persons Act.Following the referendum to repeal the 8th Amendment in the Republic of Ireland last year, women in Northern Ireland will soon be the only women in the UK and Ireland who cannot access abortion when they need to.In Northern
End Violence Against Women Coalition, EVAW, crowdfunding, legal challenge, CPS, rape cases, covert change in policy, dropping casesThe failure to prosecute and deter rape makes us all less safe.The End Violence Against Women Coalition (EVAW) has begun legal action against the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) claiming that the CPS has covertly changed its policy and practice in relation to decision-making on rape cases –
Noga Levy-Rapoport, petition, climate change, #YouthStrike4Climate movement, UK Student Climate Network, environmental emergency, Conservative Party leadership candidates, debate, We can’t have a Prime Minster who refuses to take responsibility for the UK’s part to play in this emergency.Noga Levy-Rapoport has started a petition addressed to the ‘Conservative Party Leadership Candidates and 11 others’ calling on the Conservative leadership candidates to hold a debate on
Human Rights Watch, report, food poverty, austerity, welfare cuts, government policy, hunger in the UK, The UK provides no legal remedy for those who are denied the right to food.A reportHuman Rights Watch released recently has examined how the shocking rise in food poverty and the government’s failure to ensure that England’s poorest families and children do not go hungry has intersected with a
Women and Girls in Scotland, grassroots campaign, report, best practice, female-only provision, GRA, GRCIt is simply not yet possible to say that self-identification as a principle represents best practice.Women and Girls in Scotland is a grassroots, feminist, women’s campaign group, including working class women, LGBT women, survivors of male violence and mothers formed to campaign for the
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, new investigation, institutional responses, child sexual abuse, exploitation, context, religious organisations, religious settings New inquiry particularly interested in participation of those who work with women and girls.The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has announced a new investigation into institutional responses to child sexual abuse and exploitation in the context of religious organisations and
Us Too. report, IBA, legal profession, bullying, sexual harassment, campaign,Workplaces are not doing enough to prevent or adequately respond to misconduct.Following the largest-ever global survey of legal professionals, a new International Bar Association (IBA) report has identified startling rates of bullying and sexual harassment in the legal profession and has made
Boris Johnson, row, weekend news, call the police, Cressida Dick, women's groups, open letterAsk if they are ok. Tell someone. Call the police.On New Year’s Day 2019 Karen Ingala Smith recorded the 1,000th woman killed by a man on the website Counting Dead Women which she started seven years ago.As of 15 June 2019 at least 47 women in the UK have been killed by men – or a man is the
Letter, child poverty, First Minister, 70 signatories, kids can't wait, new income supplement Kids can’t wait for new income supplement: we must act sooner than 2022.More than 70 leaders and organisations and academics from Scottish society have joined together to call on the First Minister to speed up the introduction of a new income supplement to tackle child poverty.Women’s groups
letter, The Guardian, 17 June 2019, police, domestic extremists, secret files, peaceful protest, political opinionUK law ‘is too vague to provide adequate protection against the arbitrary use of police powers’.Over the last eight years the Network For Police Monitoring, (Netpol), has campaigned to highlight the increasing evidence that the police are categorising campaigners as ‘domestic extremists’
CWJ, DPP, CPS, voyeurism, Emily Hunt, crowdfunder, Unless we take the CPS to court, this will continue. And it needs to not continue.The Centre for Women’s Justice launched a second judicial review this week against the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), this time on behalf of Emily Hunt – who has waived her anonymity – to challenge the
The continued lack of funding “reflects the deeply entrenched inequalities of power”.It is estimated that on average less than USD2 is allocated to each woman or girl at risk of gender-based violence – or male on female violence – in crisis and conflict settings by gender-based violence (GBV)
NSPCC, Munroe Begdorf, Childline, Safe Schools Alliance UK, Peter Wanless, open letter, sexualising children, porn, young lesbians, trans kids, ‘We call upon the NSPCC to continue to safeguard our children in a thoughtful and considered way’. The Safe Schools Alliance UK recently sent an open letter to Peter Wanless, CEO of the NSPCC, outlining their concerns about Munroe Bergdorf being an LGBT+ Ambassador for Childline. Leggi tutto
Forced Marriage Unit, FMU, annual report, forced marriage, criminal offence‘There has been a noticeable increase in cases linked to Romania’.Latest figures released by the Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) show that in 2018 advice or support related to a possible forced marriage was given in 1,764 cases.A forced marriage is one in which one or both spouses do not – or, in
UNAIDS, report, António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, reduction, AIDS-related deaths, new HIV infections, 73rd session The enormous achievements in the response to HIV is one of the best examples of multilateralism in action.A new report from António Guterres, the United Nations Secretary-General, Galvanising global ambition to end the AIDS epidemic after a decade of progress, has been presented to United
letter, Minister, women's organisations, Converntion on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, CEDAW, UN review 2019, What are the UK government’s plans to effectively implement the recommendations?The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is an international treaty adopted in 1979 by the United Nations General Assembly.Described as an international bill of rights
open letter, Mim Davies MP, Penny Mordaunt, Tampon Tax, pay back, womens organisations, petitionCash raised from this unpopular levy should only to be donated to organisations dedicated to women.In 2015, the money collected from VAT on period products, known as the Tampon Tax, was pledged to go to women’s charities.But numerous women’s charities have since reported that they have not
Wales, street harassment, petition, Plan International UK, First Minister, Mark Drakeford, young women and girls, groped, We need to send a clear message that this type of behaviour is not OK.A new survey by global children’s charity Plan International UK has found that more than half – 52 per cent – of girls and young women in Wales have experienced unwanted sexual attention, unwanted sexual or physical contact